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Our Response to COVID 19


The following procedures are in place for the safety of your home.


  • Hand washing: each employee will be required to wash their hands at the beginning and end of each visit.


  • Gloves: employees will wear a fresh pair of gloves while cleaning your home.


  • Sanitize: We sanitize with disinfectant while cleaning, however, the following areas are being emphasized during this time: Doorknobs, light switches, cabinet pulls, stairwell railing, refrigerator handles, oven/stove knobs and handles, towel racks, faucet handles, small appliances, sink brushes and tools, sink sprayer, and phone chargers.​


  • Make sure Social Distancing is enforced.


  • We stay open to any special rules you may have in your own space.


The following procedures are in place for the safety of our Staff.


  • All our staff members are fully vaccinated.


  • Staff members exhibiting any illness have been asked to stay home and take the time to heal. We require all illness-based absences to be under the care of a physician.


  • Staff members exposed to any illness of concern will be asked to work with a physician and stay home until a sufficient quarantine has been completed.​


Please contact our office through email if anyone is not feeling well or have been direct and or indirect contact in your home.


Our goal is to keep everyone safe and healthy.


We Simplify your Home Life

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Mary and Jarvis UG


Mittelweg 31, 60318 Frankfurt am Main

SN: 045/239/24044

©2024 by Mary & Jarvis

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Alumni Class 19-20 of the Founder Institut accelerator Frankfurt

Further Information

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